The global network of operative experts
For 10 years now, DACHSER has been training employees to become operative experts. The goal is to enable them to enrich and support their own branches and thus the entire DACHSER network with a wealth of experience and detailed know-how. But what exactly makes such an operative specialist?

Critically questioning one's own knowledge and actions, objectively analyzing, evaluating and optimizing processes and procedures, and passing on one's own knowledge and know-how to colleagues through qualified training. This is how the daily work of DENOs (DACHSER Expert Network Operations), DENAS (DACHSER Expert Network Air & Sea) and DEWOs (DACHSER Expert Warehouse Operations) could be described. The further training of employees to become such operative experts forms a valuable part of personnel development at DACHSER. The reason for this is that "we have to keep up with the many technical developments," explains Eva-Maria Marcour, Head of Systems Management TMS & Operations Training Road, who was also the driving force behind the establishment of the DENO network. In addition, DACHSER is active on the road, in the air and on the sea, and operates warehouses worldwide. A constant transfer of knowledge about operative activities and about the systems owned by DACHSER is becoming essential, and this between all employees worldwide. This is what 80 DENOs, 33 DENAS and 53 DEWOs, among others, work on every day. "Knowledge transfer must be just as dynamic as logistics itself. Always being informed and never standing still requires a high degree of flexibility, as well as professional and social skills," summarizes Denny Alfano, Team Leader Systems Operations/Expertise of the DENOs.
A very special spirit
DACHSER is a family business, and Lea Lechler, Team Leader Systems Training ASL & DENAS, notices this every day in the DENAS network: "No matter where I am in the world, I can be sure that if I call one of the DENAS or colleagues from the Business, Processes and Organization (BPO) area and ask for help, they will be there". This networking idea is key for the operative experts at DACHSER. "Knowledge is simply there to be shared," explains Sven Ackermann, Team Leader WMS Training at DEWOs.
DENOs, DENAS and DEWOs operate worldwide. DENOs are active in a total of 18 countries, DENAS in 22 and DEWOs in 11. While the different time zones from Asia to America pose a challenge in terms of collaboration, they also illustrate how diverse the network of operative experts at DACHSER is.
Different people from different cultures also mean that each member of the network has the special country-specific requirements for DACHSER in mind. Everyone learns from everyone else and the cultural exchange makes it possible to meet the different requirements on site. There are no language barriers: "The distinctive network concept makes it possible to speak the same language across borders, to accomplish major tasks, and to make interesting contacts," notes Patrik Cernohous, Team Leader Systems Operations/Expertise Transit Terminal at DENOs.

Train the trainer
But how does one become an operative expert at DACHSER? "Life Long Learning" is a point that should first be internalized, according to Zsuzsanna Martin, Team Leader Standard Training Units & DENO. This means that aspirants should always be on the lookout for new topics to learn so that they can continuously develop their skills. This is important because subject matter experts are also seen as multipliers of operative DACHSER know-how to their subsidiaries.
In addition, prospective DENOs, DENAS and DEWOs must also pass through the so-called Development Center. The aim of the development program is to identify experienced employees from the relevant areas and qualify them as subject matter experts. Testing the candidates' specialist knowledge and personal suitability under demanding conditions are therefore core components of a Development Center.
In the spirit of continuous professional development, regular training sessions, workshops, and webinars are organized for all certified operative experts. At DENOs, for example, such training is based on three pillars: 1) knowledge transfer, 2) networking, and 3) personnel development. However, since the global radius of action does not always allow for local meetings, a "culture of self-oriented learning" is another key to success, as Sven Ackermann adds. This can be achieved through a combination of e-tutorials, webinars, Q&A sessions but also expert talks in a live format. "The goal is to motivate people to learn in a self-directed way, as they can draw on different learning formats and are not dependent on a static e-learning offering," says Sven Ackermann.